Welcome to our monthly update on the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR), an interactive digital map of underground pipes and cables from the Geospatial Commission. It gives planners and excavators standardised access to the data they need, when they need it, to carry out their work effectively and safely. You can find out more on GOV.UK.
Over 2 million kilometres of assets on NUAR!
Last month, we reached over 2 million kilometres of underground assets on NUAR. That is over 5 trips to the moon and nearly 50 trips around the earth!
Find out more about our discovery project
The Geospatial Commission has launched an exciting new discovery project exploring the potential of widening access to NUAR and the constraints surrounding new propositions.
We have just published a new blog talking about the aims of the work and the different ways you can get involved.

Quarterly updates
We are kicking-off a series of quarterly webinars this year, designed to keep underground asset owners and their relevant suppliers up-to-date on all things NUAR.
We will be holding two sessions in February with the same agenda, which you can sign-up for either of here - 2pm Friday 23 February or 2pm Monday 26 February. You can also sign-up for one of our May sessions too - 2pm Friday 24 May or 2pm Tuesday 28 May.
Support for NUAR
“We are using it probably every day, I would struggle to find fault with it. If our old system was a horse and cart, NUAR is an F1 car.”
Brian Weatherall, Drainage and Coastal Protection Manager, Durham County Council
Get onboard
If you work for an underground asset owner that operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, that you do not think is fully signed up to NUAR yet, contact our onboarding team by completing our asset owner onboarding form.
If you are a contractor working on behalf of an asset owner, please contact them to see if they can provide you access.